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Date 2012-10-09 | Views  1,174 | Books

Date 2012-10-09 | Views  1,190 | Books

Date 2012-10-09 | Views  1,206 | Books

Date 2012-10-09 | Views  1,111 | Books

Date 2012-10-03 | Views  1,183 | Books

Date 2012-10-03 | Views  1,120 | Books

Date 2012-10-03 | Views  1,166 | Books

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Date 2012-10-01 | Views  1,135 | Books

Date 2012-10-01 | Views  1,093 | Books

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» Thailand Kuesse by Heinz Duthel
Date 10-09-2012 | Views  1174 | Books |

» Thai Tales by Mike Bell
Date 10-09-2012 | Views  1190 | Books |

Initially this collection of short stories examined the many sided relationships between young Thai ladies and older Western men. Many of the relationships are doomed from the start: ‘Remember Your First’ and ‘Rich Man, Poor Man’.

» Sex Tourism In Bangkok by Peter F. Friedmann
Date 10-09-2012 | Views  1206 | Books |

They say that prostitution is the world’s oldest profession; we don’t know if that is true, we can safely assume that there were also thieves and fighters in ancient times too, but what we do know is that like any profession there is a labour market. Like any profession the labour market is going to be more saturated in some countries than it is in others, and when there are plenty of skilled workers the price of their services fall! That is what you pretty much have in Thailand, hundreds of thousands of stunning girls offering you sexual services and escort services in exchange for payment. There are more girls, boys, and ladyboys in Thailand than there are checkout staff in California. Men from all over the developed world head to Thailand to party, live like a king, and to fuck as much as they want – they can live a playboy lifestyle for $1000 a month.

» Thai Die by Monica Ferris
Date 10-09-2012 | Views  1111 | Books |

Back from a trip to Thailand, Doris Valentine is eager to show Betsy, owner of the Crewel World needlework shop, her souvenirs. Later when the souvenirs are stolen from Doris's apartment, Betsy thinks there is something more to some of this exotic embroidery than meets the eye.

» Travel And Sex by Roberto Ferrari
Date 10-03-2012 | Views  1183 | Books |

"Beyond your Wildest Dreams!" is the best way to describe this book This book is for the man who want to travel to an the world and meet beautiful, exotic women. It tells you step by step how to approach her, what to say to her and how to get more than just her telephone number. This book tells you How to meet girls. Where to meet girls, When to meet girls. This book is a must read for any man who wants enjoy more than just day time activities. Each book is discretely packaged in a brown container and delivered to any destination you choose. Buy your copy now.

» Working at the Bar by Thomas M. Steinfatt
Date 10-03-2012 | Views  1120 | Books |

Commercial sex is the occupation of a significant portion of the women of the world, providing economic support for millions of people and their families. Working at the Bar is the first-ever, long-term, longitudinal, in-depth study of a large sex work industry—and Thailand, the most prominent nation in the rapidly growing sex tourism industry, makes for an excellent case study. While previous works have provided brief glimpses of one group of workers studied from a particular point of view, author Thomas Steinfatt examines considerations of health, behavior, economics, morality, religion, and worker safety. The result of data gathered from thousands of workers and customers in Thailand over a period of twelve years, Working at the Bar covers all aspects of an industry that, although it does not conform to various Western ideals, is nevertheless enormously significant. Among the most provocative of Steinfatt's arguments is that sex work is not itself immoral, and that far from being the exploitation industry we might imagine, sex work in Thailand is beneficial to everyone involved—especially given that education in this nation has proven not to be a viable alternative. Providing an opportunity for economic progress unavailable through other means, and providing working conditions far safer than those of the average Thai factory, sex work is ripe for a study that explores all aspects and perceptions associated with it. Working at the Bar is that long overdue study.

» It's Just Sex, Guys by Steve Rosse
Date 10-03-2012 | Views  1166 | Books |

In 1988 Steve Rosse took a break from a career in the New York City film and television industry for a three-month holiday on Phuket, an island off the Western coast of Thailand in the Andaman Sea. He decided he liked Phuket more than he liked New York, and without any idea of what he'd do for a living, he took up residence on the island. He supported himself, and eventually his wife and children, for most of the next decade as a freelance journalist and columnist. His column, "The Rock", apeared in The Nation, Thailand's Independent Newspaper, every Sunday for five years. In 1997 he quit writing and moved to Iowa for the surfing. The stories in "It's Just Sex, Guys" were written recently. They are the first things the author has ever written without trying to meet the editorial requirements of one publication or another. For that reason they exhibit a certain anarchy of theme and style. They were written purely to bring the author pleasure, but he hopes you like them too.

» Feast Day of Fools by James Lee Burke
Date 10-01-2012 | Views  1119 | Books |

James Lee Burke returns to the Texas border town of his bestseller Rain Gods, where a serial killer presumed dead is very much alive . . . and where sheriff Hackberry Holland, now a widower, fights for survival—his own, and of the citizens he’s sworn to protect. When alcoholic ex-boxer Danny Boy Lorca witnesses a man tortured to death in the desert, Hackberry’s investigation leads him to Anton Ling, a mysterious Chinese woman known for sheltering illegals. Ling denies any knowledge of the attack, but something in her aristocratic beauty seduces Hack into overlooking that she is as dangerous as the men she harbors. And when soulless Preacher Jack Collins reemerges, the cold-blooded killer may prove invaluable to Hackberry. This time, he and the Preacher have a common enemy.

» To Travel Hopelessly by English Teacher X
Date 10-01-2012 | Views  1135 | Books |

English Teacher X, a shadowy and legendary figure in the world of TEFL, follows up his debut book with this raw, lurid, and vivid memoir of his first five years teaching English abroad. In 1995, after a year of aimless wandering, a young American backpacker answered an ad in a newspaper in Bangkok and inadvertently became English Teacher X, working, in the next five years, in 7 different cities in 5 different countries. From a tropical island paradise in Thailand to an industrial hellhole of Post-Soviet Russia, English Teacher X describes, in violent imagery, the life of an English teacher overseas, encountering dishonest and exploitative employers, degenerate colleagues, corrupt police, gold-hearted prostitutes and cold-hearted "English groupies", with drugs and alcohol for all, while questing in vain for the Authentic Cultural Experience. English Teacher X's world serves as a cautionary tale for young people going overseas to teach, or a titillating taste of the many perks of the darker side of English teaching.

» A Fortune-Teller Told Me by Tiziano Terzani
Date 10-01-2012 | Views  1093 | Books |

Warned by a Hong Kong fortune-teller not to risk flying for an entire year, Tiziano Terzani—a vastly experienced Asia correspondent—took what he called “the first step into an unknown world. . . . It turned out to be one of the most extraordinary years I have ever spent: I was marked for death, and instead I was reborn.”

» Thai Moon Saloon by Harold R. Miller
Date 09-30-2012 | Views  1005 | Books |

After the Viet Nam 'non-war', Penn Gwinn and his combat buddy, Jim Starret, relocated to Bangkok, Thailand. The duo purchased a saloon to house their bodies and beleaguered souls. Despite its meager profits, they considered it to be their retirement However, their former involvement with the Defense Intelligence Agency came back to haunt them. The sister of their deceased DIA field operative friend showed up and demanded their help. Their retirement ended. She led them into a confrontation with the warlord of the Shan State in the Golden Triangle, who was also known as The Prince of Darkness. Their harrowing disruption of his opium growing operation had them running for their lives. But exposing the rivalry between the DIA and the CIA, and their inter-agency battles, could be their final action.

» Power & Beauty by(Rapper) T. I.
Date 09-30-2012 | Views  835 | Books |

Hip-hop artist Tip "T.I." Harris has received every acclaim the music world has to offer. Now, working with bestselling celebrity collaborator David Ritz, T.I. applies all his talent and experience to the world of fiction by creating the epic love story of Power and Beauty. After the death of his mother, Charlotte, Paul “Power” Clay allows himself to be guided by Slim, a local businessman. Slim always has the best of everything, and Power is sure that if he learns Slim's ways, he'll make something of himself--and perhaps be worthy of Tanya “Beauty” Long. From Chicago to Miami to New York, through drugs, women, and violence, Power makes the difficult transition from boy to man and, in doing so, begins to question if those who have taught him--including Slim--truly have his best interests at heart.

» Pattaya Parables by John Tudor Griffiths
Date 09-30-2012 | Views  967 | Books |

The author served in the Royal Hong Kong Police from 1960 to 1993 and, after discovering Thailand in the late sixties, visited the “Land of Smiles” at least once each year. After leaving Hong Kong and returning to his native Wales he continued to visit for a month each Spring and Autumn. He consummated his love for Country by marrying a young Thai lady who unfortunately died, still young, from cancer. In the course his visits he naturally became well acquainted with the night scene in Pattaya and, being an experienced observer, acquired the material that provides the basis for this book. The vignettes in this book capture a wide spectrum of Pattaya nightlife and provide the reader with an easy to read but interesting voyage into the pathos and the humour that exists behind the bright lights. For anyone who has visited Pattaya it will bring back memories and for those yet to visit a taste of what is awaiting them. The author has also published “ Reminiscences of a Hong Kong Chailo” about his life in the police force in Hong Kong.

» Sex Tourism by Chris Ryan
Date 09-28-2012 | Views  992 | Books |

Sex Tourism examines the issues which emerge from sex worker-client interactions and from tourists visiting 'sex destinations'. It is a comprehensive summary of past research by academics and original primary and secondary research by the authors and has examples from Asia, Australasia and the USA. The authors have generated new models to show different dimensions of sex tourism, which normalise at least some components of the sex industry, and represent a new way of looking at sex tourism by challenging the preconceived perceptions that some people have of sex tourism or confirm the impression of others. Sex Tourism looks at issues of importance to those working in tourism, women's studies, gender studies and social change.

» Policing Pleasure by Patty Kelly
Date 09-28-2012 | Views  1067 | Books |

Monica waits in the Anti-Venereal Medical Service of the Zona Galactica, the legal, state-run brothel where she works in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico. Surrounded by other sex workers, she clutches the Sanitary Control Card that deems her registered with the city, disease-free, and able to work. On the other side of the world, Min stands singing karaoke with one of her regular clients, warily eyeing the door lest a raid by the anti-trafficking Public Security Bureau disrupt their evening by placing one or both of them in jail. Whether in Mexico or China, sex work-related public policy varies considerably from one community to the next. A range of policies dictate what is permissible, many of them intending to keep sex workers themselves healthy and free from harm. Yet often, policies with particular goals end up having completely different consequences. Policing Pleasure examines cross-cultural public policies related to sex work, bringing together original ethnographic studies from around the worldofrom South Africa and Kenya to Mexico and Indiaoto offer a nuanced critique of national and municipal approaches to regulating sex work. Contributors offer new theoretical and methodological perspectives that move beyond already well-established debates between "abolitionists" and "sex workers' rights advocates" to document both the intention of public policies on sex work and their actual impact upon those who sell sex, those who buy sex and public health more generally.

» Sex Slaves by Louise Brown
Date 09-27-2012 | Views  1006 | Books |

The Asian sex trade is often assumed to cater predominantly to foreigners. Sex Slaves turns that belief on its head to show that while western sex tourists have played a vital part in the growth of the industry, the primary customers of Asia’s indentured sex workers and of its child prostitutes are overwhelmingly Asian men. Here are the voices of some of the world’s most silent and abused women—women who have been forced into prostitution by the men they trust. This is their story, including the journey from home to captivity, the horrors of "seasoning" for prostitution, and the hidden life within the brothel.

» Thailand Love Talk by Terence Doyle
Date 09-27-2012 | Views  967 | Books |

The Land of Smiles has many attractions to the overseas visitor, but none more powerful or better appreciated around the world than the alluring smiles of the young ladies working in its many bars. The magnetic draw of beautiful, lissome Thai bar girls sees tens of thousands of westerners arrive, phrase books in hand – and confusion reigning from the moment they try to engage in meaningful conversation with their new-found ‘best friends’. Communications breakdowns in such situations are the norm, rather than the exception – and they are multi-faceted, their roots and tentacles reaching far beyond simple linguistic barriers. Love Talk takes a humorous look at some of the communications barriers faced by westerners enjoying for the first time the delights of long nights sipping cold beers in the company of warm-hearted women eager to get to know them better. With an insightful nod to the cultural divide that separates the typical western bar-lover and his new Thai girlfriend, Love Talk fills in the blanks and settles a few scores along the way.

» Tears For The Thai Girl by J. F. Gump
Date 09-27-2012 | Views  967 | Books |

Jarapan had it all. A wonderful family, a good job, and a fiancé she loved and would soon marry. But that was before the incident. When a friend offers work in Pattaya, she leaves her home in Khon Kaen to start a new life. Mike Johnson had it all, too. He was living every man's dream of owning a successful go-go bar in Thailand. When he hired a new accountant, he got more than he expected. For the first time in years he was in love and he was happy. Then he got sick - really sick. Walk with Mike and Jarapan as fate twists their romantic dream into a terrifying nightmare. Oriignally printed as One High Season by Bangkok Book House.

» Thailand After Dark by James Newman
Date 09-25-2012 | Views  973 | Books |

Blind dates with psychotic lady-boys. Sadistic bosses and certifiable coworkers. White-water rafting, oily massages with women old enough to be your mom. Mixing cocktails and blindly navigating the Bangkok streets, the bars, the women and the hustlers before hitting rock-bottom and looking at the balcony. In this exciting collection of short stories the author of BANGKOK EXPRESS and BANGKOK CITY shows how is the most exciting young writer to appear from the Bangkok noir scene.

» Not for Sale by Kirsten Anderberg
Date 09-25-2012 | Views  1025 | Books |

Including the latest research on prostitution and pornography, this essay anthology shows how the sex industries harm those within them while undermining the possibilities for gender justice, human equality, and stable sexual relationships. From sex industries survivors to social activists and theorists such as Taylor Lee, Adriene Sere, and Kristen Anderberg, this volume asses from a feminist perspective the racism, poverty, militarism, and corporate capitalism of selling sex through strip clubs, brothels, mail-order brides, and child pornography.

» The Orchid House by Lucinda Riley
Date 09-25-2012 | Views  1075 | Books |

Spanning from the 1930s to the present day, from the Wharton Park estate in England to Thailand, this sweeping novel tells the tale of a concert pianist and the aristocratic Crawford family, whose shocking secrets are revealed, leading to devastating consequences. As a child, concert pianist Julia Forrester spent many idyllic hours in the hothouse of Wharton Park, the grand estate where her grandfather tended exotic orchids. Years later, while struggling with overwhelming grief over the death of her husband and young child, she returns to this tranquil place. There she reunites with Kit Crawford, heir to the estate and her possible salvation. When they discover an old diary, Julia seeks out her grandmother to learn the truth behind a love affair that almost destroyed the estate. Their search takes them back to the 1940s when Harry, a former heir to Wharton Park, married his young society bride, Olivia, on the eve of World War II. When the two lovers are cruelly separated, the impact will be felt for generations to come. This atmospheric story alternates between the magical world of Wharton Park and Thailand during World War II. Filled with twists and turns, passions and lies, and ultimately redemption, The Orchid House is a beautiful, romantic, and poignant novel.

» Genders and Sexualities in Modern Thailand by Peter A. Jackson
Date 09-23-2012 | Views  2200 | Books |

Many foreign observers of the "Land of Smiles" are familiar with a narrow range of gender relations and sexual practices in Thailand, from the fanciful portrayal of 19th-century harem life in The King and I, to recent media coverage of sex tourism and AIDS. Yet serious study of patterns of sexuality, femininity, and masculinity in Thailand is relatively new. This book is a rare collection by scholars from around the world and across social disciplines who are tackling these issues. The essays urge the reader to look beyond fantasies of Thailand as an "oriental sexual paradise" or "land of sexploitation" to historical and contemporary forms of gender and eroticism. Studies of the changing opinions and practices among villagers and urbanites, the creative expressions of novelists and aristocrats, and the concerns of early women's magazines and recent AIDS-prevention campaigns, reveal the extraordinary diversity of debates about gender and sexual issues in 20th-century Thailand. Avoiding simplistic approaches to gender studies and sexuality research, the authors discuss how interpretations of gender roles, marriage, and intimate relationships differ between men and women; cultural regions; Thai and immigrant Chinese communities; and heterosexually and homosexually active groups--as well as between residents of Thailand and their foreign observers. By questioning accounts of Thailand as a place where gender is fluid and sexuality is free, the book unravels the complex processes by which Thai men and women understand themselves, appealing to both general readers and scholars of Thai society. Peter A. Jackson is fellow in Southeast Asian history at Australian National University. Nerida M. Cook is lecturer in sociology at the University of Tasmania.

» Thai Sex Talk by Pimpawun Boonmongkon
Date 09-23-2012 | Views  1048 | Books |

The Thai language has extraordinarily rich, varied, and multi-leveled vocabularies for sexual anatomy, behaviors, identities, and attitudes. The authors of this in-depth study deal directly with the language of sex in Thailand in all its raw, sometimes humorous, and often derogatory immediacy. The registers of spoken Thai (phasa phut), the language of the marketplace (phasa talat), official discourse (phasa ratchakan), literary usages (phasa khian), and technical and academic vocabularies (phasa wichakan) are all covered.

» From Thailand With Love by John Rachel
Date 09-23-2012 | Views  957 | Books |

"From Thailand With Love" is a hard-hitting, street-tough novel about the trafficking of adolescent Asian girls for prostitution in the U. S. It is violent and sexy, endearing and sad, sometimes humorous and often gut-wrenching. The book offers thought-provoking commentary on a wide range of issues: global economics, modern media, child labor, and the moral price of affluence.

» Amazing Asian Lady by Heinz Duthel
Date 09-23-2012 | Views  997 | Books |

Amazing Asian Lady So, you want to marry an Asian woman? Sapan Mai, Bangkok, Thailand – 1992 -2000. So, you want to marry an Asian woman? What you should now? How, where and why? Read this Book before from an Insider, with 18 years in Thailand

» True Thai Toy and Nook Love Stories by Heinz Duthel
Date 09-23-2012 | Views  976 | Books |

A Thailand Virgin No More She was beautiful, nice eyes, a virgin how I found out after. She worked in a leading department store at the Western Union, all seems to be perfect and I believed to have found the ‘woman of my life’, but there has been one error. She is Thai, and a Thai woman never belongs to you, she belongs for ever to her family….. The traffic? I thought Paris was bad, but Bangkok was unreal. I loved watching how all the motorbikes weaved in and out of traffic. The only thing sexier than a cute Thai girl hauling ass on a motorbike through traffic? Are two Thai girls, one sitting side saddle hauling ass with smiles on their faces? My entire time, I did not see one traffic accident...very impressive

» Thai Migrant Sex Worker by Kaoru Aoyama
Date 09-23-2012 | Views  1096 | Books |

Based on interviews and participatory research, this book explores Thai women's experiences of the global sex trade. Kaoru Aoyama questions the long-standing feminist debate concerning how these women identify themselves: as sex workers, or sex slaves, while also considering the issues of gender, deviance, and migration.

» Thai Sex Stories by Daniela Marshal
Date 09-21-2012 | Views  1700 | Books |

Part one in the Thai sex stories series by Daniela Marshal. If you're into Asian group sex, this is the story for you. Dale, a man on holiday in Thailand, is taking a walk around his hotel. Spying a couple having sex through their curtains, he decides to stay low and give himself some pleasure too. But when he's spotted, things take a turn for the better. Thrust into his wildest fantasy, three Asian beauties take Dale on a night he'll never forget. A thrilling foursome sex story that will have you begging for more. If you like Thai girls, this is the sex story for you. Story approximately 2,900 words.

» Sex, Lies & Bar Girls by James Bamber
Date 09-21-2012 | Views  1051 | Books |

The ABCs of Bar Fines & Short Times; Specialized adventure guide dedicated to all the Isaan Yings in Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza & Patpong.

» My Thai Girl and I by Andrew Hicks
Date 09-21-2012 | Views  1031 | Books |

This is about how Andrew Hicks met Cat, a ‘Thai girl’ half his age and how they set up home together in her village out in the rice fields of North Eastern Thailand. He'll tell you of toads in the toilet, of ants' eggs for breakfast, how they took up frog farming and how he got married without really meaning to. It's also a book about the countryside, of the old Thailand where the rhythm of the seasons and belief in the spirits and Buddhism remain strong. Though how could Andrew, a greying English lawyer, ever fit into the lives of a Thai rice farming family? Can Cat and Andrew with their many differences really be compatible?

» Miss Bangkok by Bua Boonmee
Date 09-19-2012 | Views  1066 | Books |

Miss Bangkok uncovers the hidden world of a go-go dancer in Thailand's vice city, Bangkok. Bua Boonmee gives us an insight into the life of one of the capital's bar girls and exposes the 'Sometimes I wonder was I born to be unfortunate; is this life my destiny? I pray to Buddha that this not be the case. My life seems to be that of a country girl who has spent her days escaping from a tiger, only to be eaten by a crocodile. Mine is an ever worsening tale with no end in sight.' You see, I am a prostitute, though farangs prefer to call women like me 'bar girls'. I believe the term is more acceptable to westerners' ears. But to a girl like me, it is all the same. 'You can buy me for 2,000 baht a night. In return, I will do anything that is asked of me, but I won't kiss customers- some things are just too intimate to do with a stranger. Kissing is for a wife or girlfriend; sex is for Thai girls like me. "Miss Bangkok" is a vivid, powerful and moving memoir of a life spent in prostitution in Thailand. Poor and uneducated, Bua Boonmee escaped an abusive marriage only to end up in the go-go bars of Patpong. There, in the notorious red-light district of Bangkok, she succumbed to prostitution in an effort to support her family. Bua's story is one of resilience and courage in the face of abuse and poverty. Her confessions will make you laugh and cry, cringe and applaud. She will change your perception of prostitution forever.

» Thailand, Men's Paradise? by Annika Ardin
Date 09-19-2012 | Views  1005 | Books |

Many fall hard for the women they find and leave behind everything—jobs, houses and families—to start new lives with partners whose language and culture they don’t understand. Unlike Western women, they say, Thai women give them everything they want and need.

» Love Entrepreneurs by Phil Nicks
Date 09-19-2012 | Views  1001 | Books |

In the style of Freakonomics, Bangkok-based economist Phil Nicks explores the economic aspects of cross-cultural relationships in Thailand with his new book, Love Entrepreneurs. Supported by original research, facts and interviews with high-profile residents of the region, Nicks focuses his attention on the major relationship issues affecting foreigners and their Thai partners.

» Thailand Fever by Chris Pirazzi
Date 09-19-2012 | Views  1040 | Books |

You've met the perfect Thai woman. You're dizzy with joy as her exotic world swirls around you. You've heard so many horror stories, but your heart tells you that she's for real. You want to understand her mysterious ways, and you wish she could understand yours. Now, there's help. Thailand Fever is an astonishing, one-of-a-kind, bilingual expose of the cultural secrets that are the key to a smooth Thai-Western relationship.

» Genuine Thai Copies by Sean Bunzick
Date 09-18-2012 | Views  1041 | Books |

Lek is just another beautiful 'working girl' in a seedy Phuket town full of working girls. But when she is kidnapped by a crazed genetic scientist and taken to his Bangkok laboratory, her life takes some very original twists and turns. The scientist is insane, but he is also brilliant, and before long he has made history by cloning Lek and turning out five identical replica 'Leks', each with distinct characteristics of her own. As the real Lek remains imprisoned in Bangkok, the clones are released and sent on wildly different paths. One takes over a bar on Soi Cowboy. Another ends up working for a Russian gangster and his Islamic allies in Pattaya. A third is a lesbian who is forced to work in a heterosexual bar in Bangkok's Nana Plaza. Yet another finds herself in Chiang Mai where she dedicates herself to slipping in and out of Burma and creating havoc among the Burmese military. The last clone is perhaps the scariest of all – a psychopathic killer who relishes torturing and murdering her victims. As the tale progresses, the clones team up to combat Muslim terrorists who are intent on targeting Bangkok's sex industry with a series of lethal bombs. Can Lek's five clones work as one girl to stop the terrorists?

» The Girl Who Wore Too Much by Margaret Read MacDonald
Date 09-18-2012 | Views  1082 | Books |

Like most young girls, Aree likes fine clothing and jewelry. But she is just a wee bit spoiled and has more dresses and accessories than she needs. So when word comes of a dance to be held in the next village, Aree can't make up her mind: Now I can show off my fine clothes! But which color shall I wear? The pink, the fuchsia, the scarlet? The sky blue or aquamarine? Maybe violet? Deep purple? Magenta? Maybe chartreuse? Or emerald green?

» Thailand Bar Girls, Angels and Devils by Peter Jaggs
Date 09-18-2012 | Views  1026 | Books |

Men have been coming to Thailand for many years now to enjoy the infamous night-life of cities like Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket and to experience the girls that work in the thousands of bars around them. Some have found out to their cost that there are devils amongst the young women that ply their trade in the neon-lit forests of the country and others have been lucky enough to have discovered angels.

» Hello My Big Big Honey! by Dave Walker
Date 09-18-2012 | Views  1096 | Books |

Veteran reporter Richard Ehrlich and Dave Walker unfold a tale of love and lust in Bangkok's notorious red-light district. These interviews and correspondence with prostitutes and their patrons draw an intimate and touching portrait amidst the blaring lights and pounding music of Bangkok.

» Thais of Athens by Ivan Yefremov
Date 09-18-2012 | Views  1148 | Books |

The beautiful hetaera Thais was a real woman who inspired poets, artists and sculptors in Athens, Memphis, Alexandria, Babylon and Ecbatana. She traveled with Alexander the Great's army during his Persian campaign and was the only woman to enter the capitol of Persia - Persepolis. Love, beauty, philosophy, war, religion - all that and more in a historic masterpiece by Ivan Yefremov.

» Thailand Confidential by Jerry Hopkins
Date 09-18-2012 | Views  1062 | Books |

Why are these people smiling? Writer Jerry Hopkins came to Thailand for a visit in the 1980s to find out and ended up a permanent resident with a temporary visa-a big, white farang haunting the bars and back alleys of Bangkok. His essays explore the mystery and mayhem of "The Land of Smiles" to hilarious-and sometimes disturbing-effect. Travel with him to a place where water buffaloes are gay, insects are dinner, dildos are lucky charms, and your wildest adolescent fantasies can come true (for a nominal fee).

» How to Attract Asian Women by Ming Tan
Date 09-18-2012 | Views  1012 | Books |

Ming Tan and her hundreds of Asian female interviewees reveal how a man can attract Asian women. Ming Tan hosts dating seminars and events for AsianSocials.com. The New York Observer and New York Press ran articles regarding Ming Tan?

» Girls Like Us by Rachel Lloyd
Date 09-14-2012 | Views  1046 | Books |

During her teens, Rachel Lloyd ended up a victim of commercial sexual exploitation. With time, through incredible resilience, and with the help of a local church community, she finally broke free of her pimp and her past and devoted herself to helping other young girls escape "the life." In Girls Like Us, Lloyd reveals the dark world of commercial sex trafficking in cinematic detail and tells the story of her groundbreaking nonprofit organization: GEMS, Girls Educational and Mentoring Services. With great humanity, she shares the stories of the girls whose lives GEMS has helped—small victories that have healed her wounds and made her whole. Revelatory, authentic, and brave, Girls Like Us is an unforgettable memoir.

» Bar Girl by David Thompson
Date 09-14-2012 | Views  1059 | Books |

Siswan started life as a simple village girl but an alcoholic father and a needing mother would change her life forever. She must seek out the help of the foreign men who visit her country - but first she has to learn their ways. From the first chapter to the last Bar Girl tells a harrowing tale of life in Asia where the only thing that matters is money, where love and respect have to be bought rather than earned, and where women always come second.

» Diary of a Thai Escort by Anonymous
Date 09-14-2012 | Views  973 | Books |

Am I a bad girl? Today I slept with a man for money for the first time. He was an American called David and he was thirty-five years old, exactly ten years older than me. Am I a bad girl? I don’t think so. I just want to do what is best for my parents and my son...

» Thai Sex Stories by Jill Andrews
Date 09-14-2012 | Views  1164 | Books |

I'm Thai and even though I've been in the US for a while now I love to have just as much fun as I always have in Thailand.

» Thai Girl by Andrew Hicks
Date 09-14-2012 | Views  1140 | Books |

When travellers Ben and Emma split up in Thailand, Ben falls for a local masseuse and experiences the darker side of tourism, where farmers' daughters sell their bodies in Bangkok bars. Thai Girl is a thought-provoking adventure novel that explores the problems of prostitution and cross-cultural relationships, and reaches its climax in the sultry heat of ThailandÕs exotic traveller beaches.

» How to get email from chatthailand.com
Date 03-18-2010 | Views  11434 | FAQ |

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» Flowers orders to Thailand for Valentine
Date 01-15-2010 | Thai Florists |

Time to order flowers to your Thai girl on Valentine, we have the best florist for you

» Welcome to the Thailand Cooking blog
Date 06-03-2009 | Thai Food |

» Where does Thai food come from?
Date 06-03-2009 | Thai Food |

» Thai food with Thai music
Date 06-03-2009 | Thai Food |

» Thailand food gets less sour
Date 06-03-2009 | Thai Food |

» Pad Thai - One of the most well known Thai food
Date 06-03-2009 | Thai Food |

» Join my Thai food twitter
Date 06-03-2009 | Thai Food |

» Tom Yum Koong the Thai food that everyone knows
Date 06-03-2009 | Thai Food |

» Fried Rice - one of the most easiest Thai food to cook
Date 06-03-2009 | Thai Food |

» Pad See Eww - Soy Sauce Noodle
Date 06-03-2009 | Thai Food |

» Laab - Northeast tasty pork food
Date 06-03-2009 | Thai Food |