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YourDating |  Books - Thai Sex Talk by Pimpawun Boonmongkon

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Date 2012-10-09 | Views  1,174 | Books

Date 2012-10-09 | Views  1,190 | Books

Date 2012-10-09 | Views  1,206 | Books

Date 2012-10-09 | Views  1,111 | Books

Date 2012-10-03 | Views  1,183 | Books

Date 2012-10-03 | Views  1,121 | Books

Date 2012-10-03 | Views  1,166 | Books

Date 2012-10-01 | Views  1,120 | Books

Date 2012-10-01 | Views  1,135 | Books

Date 2012-10-01 | Views  1,094 | Books

Thai Sex Talk by Pimpawun Boonmongkon
Date 09-23-2012 | Views  1049

The Thai language has extraordinarily rich, varied, and multi-leveled vocabularies for sexual anatomy, behaviors, identities, and attitudes. The authors of this in-depth study deal directly with the language of sex in Thailand in all its raw, sometimes humorous, and often derogatory immediacy. The registers of spoken Thai (phasa phut), the language of the marketplace (phasa talat), official discourse (phasa ratchakan), literary usages (phasa khian), and technical and academic vocabularies (phasa wichakan) are all covered.

Much more than a vocabulary list, this book engages the language of sex and sexuality in Thailand from critical feminist and queer studies perspectives. The authors take the positions of women, men who love men, women who love women, and transgenders as standpoints from which to critique the dominant male-centered and hetero-normative structures of Thai sexual culture. Thai Sex Talk showcases the path-breaking research that a new generation of Thai scholars is conducting on the country's sexual cultures. 

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