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YourDating |  Books - It's Just Sex, Guys by Steve Rosse

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It's Just Sex, Guys by Steve Rosse
Date 10-03-2012 | Views  1158

 In 1988 Steve Rosse took a break from a career in the New York City film and television industry for a three-month holiday on Phuket, an island off the Western coast of Thailand in the Andaman Sea. He decided he liked Phuket more than he liked New York, and without any idea of what he'd do for a living, he took up residence on the island. He supported himself, and eventually his wife and children, for most of the next decade as a freelance journalist and columnist.

His column, "The Rock", apeared in The Nation, Thailand's Independent Newspaper, every Sunday for five years. In 1997 he quit writing and moved to Iowa for the surfing.
The stories in "It's Just Sex, Guys" were written recently. They are the first things the author has ever written without trying to meet the editorial requirements of one publication or another. For that reason they exhibit a certain anarchy of theme and style. They were written purely to bring the author pleasure, but he hopes you like them too.
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