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YourDating |  FAQ
    • What is Chat Thailand?

      Chat Thailand is an on-line dating community welcomes Thai Girls, Thai Guys and people from the rest of the world whether young or old we welcome you all too free Thailand dating. If you are seeking relationship, friendship, dating correspondence, or other fun activities, we wish you the best of luck and happiness.
    • Is it free to put up my profile and picture?

      Yes, it will not cost you a THB to put up your profile, picture, video or music. You can even have live video cam for free on our Thai community.
    • Can I change my profile?

      Yes, changing the details on your profile is easy and can be done at any time that you are logged on. Simply click the edit profile button in order to make your changes.
    • Will my personal details be on display?

      The details you wish to display are entirely up to you and will only be displayed at your request.
    • Is this website really free?

      Yes, the website is free for now but in the near future we will have a reward system so that people that upload photos and make a 100 % profile will have more benefits. Members will have paid membership's to choose from as well.
    • I uploaded a photo, where is it?

      We use an approval system to ensure that Chat Thailand only uploads genuine photos of members.

      Please do not upload pictures that might be copyrighted or not yours, people want to see you and not some poster boy or girl. If some one report your picture as stolen we will delete you account asp.

      Photos are approved by our administrator on a daily basis and will be online as soon as they have been approved. If you want to show your URL or contact information on the Photo then please upgrade to an Advertising account.

    • I uploaded a video, where is it?

      We use an approval system to ensure that Chat Thailand only uploads genuine videos of members. Photos are approved by our administrator on a daily basis and will be online as soon as they have been approved.

      If you want to show your URL or contact information on the video then please upgrade to an Advertising membership.
    • I uploaded a YouTube video, where is it?

      We use an approval system to ensure that Chat Thailand only uploads genuine YouTube videos and that they not break some law or our terms. YouTube videos are approved by our administrator on a daily basis and will be online as soon as they have been approved. If you want to show your URL or contact information on the YouTube video then please upgrade to an Advertising membership.
    • I uploaded a Music File, where is it?

      We use an approval system to ensure that Chat Thailand only uploads approved music files and that they not break some law or our terms. Music files are approved by our administrator on a daily basis and will be online as soon as they have been approved. If you want to show your URL or contact information on the Music File then please upgrade to an Advertising Membership.
    • How can I upload a photo or a music or video file?

      First you have to create an album and when you done you can go to "Add Album file" and add Music, picture or Video.
    • Can I complain about another member?

      Yes, we take complaints very seriously and will discontinue an individual does not follow normal chat and dating rules. People that trying to scam others and spam the community will be banned.
    • Do you monitor the site?

      Yes, everything is checked by us before being published on Chat Thailand. We must comply with our Internet Service Providers regulations and advertisers so all profiles and photos are first approved by us before they are published on to the Chat Thailand website. In addition, we monitor our membership status and respond to enquirers. We have zero tolerance with spam and harassment, please help us and report any activity you might find disturbing.
    • I've been contacted by someone that I'm not interested in, what can I do?

      If you are not interested you can either ignore their message, reply to them by saying something like; "thanks but no thanks", or block any future messages from that person. The option to block messages from another member presents as an obvious link button on your profile page. Simply click it and follow the subsequent prompts.