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How to get email from chatthailand.com
Date 03-18-2010 | Views  11435

What is a White List?

Unsolicited, unwanted advertising eMail, commonly known as "spam", has become a big problem. It's reached such proportions that most eMail services and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have put some sort of blocking or filtering system in place or begun relying on self-proclaimed blacklists to tell the good guys from the bad.

We at chatthailand.com applaud their intention to protect you from spam, but everyone agrees that the current systems for stopping spam are far from a perfect solution. They often block eMail that you've requested, but that fits somebody's idea of what spam looks like. The more responsible anti-spam activists are working hard to cut down on these "false positives", but in the mean time, you might unexpectedly find you're not getting your chatthailand.com welcome email or member updates.

As it happens, there's something you can do to keep your chatthailand.com emails from falling into the false positive trap. You can fight the blacklists with a "White List". White List us now, before your delivery is interrupted.

Of course, every eMail system is different. Please follow instructions below for some of the more popular ones. If yours isn't here, please contact your ISP's customer service folks for their instructions.

If you are using spam blockers such as SpamArrest, Earthlink, SpamBully, FilterMy, KnowSpam, etc., make sure to take the necessary steps to ensure emails from support@chatthailand.com ,webmaster@chatthailand.com or any email coming from chatthailand.com go through. If you do not receive your welcome email, please check your trash/spam folders.

First, add the address: support@chatthailand.com  to your address book.

Next, follow the instructions for your eMail provider or software listed below. Use the drop-down menu to quickly jump to these instructions:

Many popular eMail programs, including Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, and Netscape Mail, don't provide a convenient way for you to White List the folks you want to receive email from. If you're using this sort of email system and you either aren't getting your chatthailand.com member email or want to make sure you continue to receive your email in the future, you can do something about it.


Contact the customer service people or the Postmaster at the company that provides your eMail or Internet connection (your ISP). Explain to them that chatthailand.com email is email that you asked for and value. Ask them if they can White List the email. They'll probably ask you for some information about us. Here's what to tell them:

    * Sending Address: If they ask for our address, give them the address support@chatthailand.com as the email.
    * Domain: If they need to know the domain we're mailing from, tell them :


If you're using AOL, you can ensure that your chatthailand.com correspondence is delivered to your Inbox by setting your Mail Controls. Here's how:

    * Go to Keyword Mail Controls.
    * Select the screen name we're sending your chatthailand.com emails to.
    * Click Customize Mail Controls For This Screen Name.

For AOL version 9.0: You need to add our sending address to your "People I Know" list.

    * Open your latest chatthailand.com email.
    * Click the Add Address button (over on the right) to add
      support@chatthailand.com  to your "People I Know" list.

For AOL version 8.0: Select Allow eMail from all AOL members, email addresses and domains.

    * Click Next until the Save button shows up at the bottom.
    * Click Save.

For AOL version 7.0: In the section for "exclusion and inclusion parameters", include this domain:


To ensure that your chatthailand.com email is delivered to your Yahoo Inbox (not the Bulk Mail folder), you can instruct Yahoo to filter it to your Inbox. Here's how:

    * Open your Yahoo mailbox.
    * Click Mail Options.
    * Click Filters.
    * Next, click Add Filter.
    * In the top row, labeled From header: make sure contains is selected in the pull-down menu.
    * Click in the text box next to that pull-down menu, then enter the address in the "From" line of your most recent chatthailand.com.
    * At the bottom, where it says Move the message to:, select Inbox from the pull-down menu.
    * Click the Add Filter button again.

  If you are using Hotmail, you can ensure that chatthailand.com email is delivered to your Inbox by adding our "From" address to your Safe List. Here's how:

    * Click the Options tab.
    * Select Safe List. (It's under the heading Mail Handling.)
    * In the space provided, enter the address in the "From" line of your most recent chatthailand.com email.
    * Click Add.
    * When you see the address you entered in the Safe List box, click OK.