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YourDating |  Books - Tears For The Thai Girl by J. F. Gump

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Date 2012-10-09 | Views  1,174 | Books

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Tears For The Thai Girl by J. F. Gump
Date 09-27-2012 | Views  968

 Jarapan had it all. A wonderful family, a good job, and a fiancé she loved and would soon marry. But that was before the incident. When a friend offers work in Pattaya, she leaves her home in Khon Kaen to start a new life. Mike Johnson had it all, too. He was living every man's dream of owning a successful go-go bar in Thailand. When he hired a new accountant, he got more than he expected. For the first time in years he was in love and he was happy. Then he got sick - really sick. Walk with Mike and Jarapan as fate twists their romantic dream into a terrifying nightmare. Oriignally printed as One High Season by Bangkok Book House.

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